[Extensión del plazo] International Power-to-X Hub abre convocatoria para beca Train the Trainers para Chile y Uruguay

La capacitación será en Berlín desde el 8 – 18 de enero de 2023.

La capacitación para trainers será en Berlín desde el 8 – 18 de enero de 2023.
[¡Ampliamos el plazo de postulación!] El International Power-to-X Hub de Alemania abrió una convocatoria para capacitar a dos profesionales del hidrógeno verde y el power-to-x que residan en Chile y Uruguay. El curso busca formar “trainers” en power-to-x renovable. La actividad tendrá lugar en Berlín, Alemania entre el 8 y el 18 de enero de 2023. Al tratarse de un curso internacional, tanto la postulación como la capacitación serán en inglés, por lo que es un requisito excluyente.

Requirements for future trainers

Profile of Applicants
High enthusiasm for renewable PtX and high motivation to share enthusiasm and knowledge as well as willingness to invest time in preparation, follow-up and implementation of trainings required.

• Master/Diploma or equivalent in electrical/ mechanical engineering, (renewable) energies, energy planning, environmental or social studies, international business/ economics or equivalent.
• Language: English as well as national language(s) required. French, Spanish, Portuguese, or other languages of international cooperation desirable.

Professional Experience
Besides general knowledge on PtX, green hydrogen and/or other derivatives.

Specific work experience
• Several years of substantial project experience in the energy sector in developing countries.
• Experience in cooperation with and consultation of potential target groups of the PtX training such as ministries, regulatory authorities etc. in relevant thematic areas desirable.

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IMPORTANT: Please note that the International Power-to-X Hub is only accepting applicants who currently reside in Chile or Uruguay. For the moment, other countries are not eligible and will not be considered. For this intake, PtX Hub will only accept two applicants from Chile and two from Uruguay.

If you meet the aforementioned criteria, please send your CV along with a motivation letter (both in English) to contacto@h2lac.org with the subject: “Train the Trainers Chile” or “Train the Trainers Uruguay” depending on your country of residence.

Applications are open until November 10th, 23:59 (GMT-3) Chile/Uruguay time.

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