UNEP busca consultor en hidrógeno en Jamaica


Esta consultoría tiene como objetivo apoyar la implementación del proyecto “Avanzando en un enfoque regional para la economía verde del hidrógeno en América Latina y el Caribe para Jamaica” del GCF Readiness Programme. El consultor diseñará y facilitará el trabajo del grupo de trabajo nacional de hidrógeno verde, apoyará la entrega exitosa de las sesiones de creación de capacidades relacionadas con el GCF mediante la participación con contrapartes públicas, otros organismos públicos y el sector privado cuando sea necesario. Desarrollará informes nacionales de evaluación de referencia, incluyendo situaciones de referencia de los sectores que pueden beneficiarse del hidrógeno verde, al igual que identificará barreras y oportunidades para Jamaica y desarrollará la estrategia nacional de hidrógeno.

A continuación, conoce más detalles de esta oportunidad (en inglés dado que el idioma es un requisito del puesto).

Output 1. Relevant country stakeholders have established adequate capacity, systems and networks to support the planning, programming and implementation of GCF-funded activities

(outcome 1.3). The consultant will liaise with the relevant national actors (which may include executing entities, civil society organisations and the private sector), to create /strengthen the national interinstitutional working group for Green Hydrogen. The consultant is expected to prepare the documentation needed for the successful delivery of the meetings and be in constant communication with the leading entities of the government. The consultant is expected to support the national inter-institutional working group to engage regionally with the other members of the Readiness project.

Activity 1.1 (1.3.A1) Establish or strengthen national inter-institutional working groups on the Hydrogen Economy in El Salvador. All activities will be delivered in agreement with the national counterpart.

1.1.1 Analyse the national green hydrogen stakeholders assessing their impact using the influence vs interest methodology. The consultant is expected to contact all stakeholders to interview them and then evaluate their impact.

Output 2. Develop or enhance strategic frameworks to address policy gaps, improve sectoral expertise, and enhance enabling environments

(Outcome 2.2). The consultant, supported by the Hydrogen Economy planning expert, will analyse the country’s opportunities towards green hydrogen and develop the national hydrogen strategy in coordination with the national decarbonisation goals. The consultant is expected to analyse, at least, the economic, energy and environmental sectors to guide the planning process. The consultant is expected to liaise with the leading entities in El Salvador and the interinstitutional working group.

Activity 2.1 (2.2.A1) Conduct the national baseline study to assess hydrogen production, use, transformation, transport and commercialisation situation and possibilities. 2.1.1 Assess the potential in hydrogen production, use, transformation, transport, import, and commercialisation, including the green hydrogen projects in the country, with the cost-effectiveness of the possible usage of green hydrogen. • For production (geography, energy generation potential, and water availability) • For transformation (production of e-fuels and green ammonia) • For transportation (pipeline, trucks and regional and international hydrogen transportation route and bunkering possibilities. • For end use (industry decarbonisation possibilities, for those sector not analysed by the IRENA project mentioned before)

2.1.2 Analyse the regulations, policies, and standards relevant to hydrogen production and use using the regulatory impact assessment (RIA) that supports decision-making with evidence on the advantages and disadvantages of alternative options in terms of their likely impacts on stakeholders and outcomes. 2.1.3 Identification of barriers to hydrogen production, use, transformation, transport, import, and commercialisation grouped by legal, financial, technological, market, innovation and social, including vulnerable people approach.

Activity 2.2 (2.2.A2) Design and conduct at least one national workshop in close collaboration with the government, private sector entities (including the financial sector), academia, and civil society organisations to present the baseline information and convey it to public and private actors.

Activity 2.3 (2.2.A2) Design, agree and write the national hydrogen economy strategy, including i) short-, mid-and long-term strategic goals and recommendations, ii) linkages to the NDC and the Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Development Strategy process undergoing currently, iii) vulnerable people approach and iv) an action plan to implement the proposed Strategy. 2.3.1 Write the draft national hydrogen economy strategy based on the results of activity 2.1, the workshop delivered in activity 2.2, and the meetings held in output1.

Output 3. National coordination and engagement, communication and capacity building is strengthened (activity 1.1, 2.3, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3) 3.1.1 Design, plan, and deliver at least six (6) meetings to i) deploy the inter-institutional working group by supporting the leading public entity to engage the relevant actors and ii) discuss the national green hydrogen strategy. 3.1.2 Advise the experts hired by the project in i) analysing business cases of hydrogen production and usage in El Salvador, ii) advising on topics and gathering the relevant stakeholders from the country’s public and private sectors and iii) definition and Design of the communication campaign and the related communication material 3.1.3 Collaborate with the coordination of activities within the H2LAC platform, including the dissemination and participation of the online webinars, the dissemination of the technical reports and knowledge-sharing activities to foster regional collaboration.


Product No. 1: A document containing one (1) national hydrogen stakeholders’ analysis, both public and private, including the summary of interviews and the impact assessment based on their influence and interest.

Product No. 2: A document containing one (1) green hydrogen national potential study, including i) a green hydrogen production, use, transformation, transport and commercialization, ii) a list of projects and iii) an assessment of the most cost-effective solutions.

Product No. 3: A document containing one (1) green hydrogen regulation, policy and standard analysis based on the UN regulatory impact analysis (RIA)

Product No. 4: A document containing one (1) green hydrogen production, use, transformation, transport, import, and commercialization barrier analysis grouped by legal, financial, technological, market, innovation and social, including gender and indigenous groups approach

Product No. 5: One (1) report of the national workshop delivered to present the baseline information, including the objectives, attendees’ information (separated by gender and affiliation), presentations made, and agreements reached.

Product No. 6: One (1) preliminary national green hydrogen strategy including i) short-, mid-and long-term strategic goals and recommendations, ii) linkages to the NDC, iii) gender and indigenous people approach and iv) an action plan to implement the proposed Strategy

Product No. 7: One (1) report of the support activities delivered, including i) the meeting held with country stakeholders, ii) the meetings held with project experts and iii) the webinars disseminated, attended and presented within H2LAC platform. Specific tasks and responsibilities

The consultant will be responsible for the following: • Collecting and processing the data necessary to develop the aforementioned studies. • Conduct interviews or generate the necessary information for the development of the aforementioned studies. • Create, promote and maintain relationships with the national public, private and civil society actors for their involvement in the project. Actively seek feedback from all sectors on the proposals to be created. • Organise the logistics and content of the national workshops, with special attention to the appropriate involvement of all participants, considering the final objective of the workshop. • Attend to the needs of the national authorities and provide technical advice when required, ensuring their active involvement in the proposals presented. • Observe national interests and priorities in the formulation of proposals, studies and conclusions developed. • Attend meetings, calls, and guidelines provided by the UN Environment Project Manager, the Regional Support Consultant, the Designated National Authority of El Salvador to the Green Climate Fund, and the project’s technical advisory team. • Comply with the deadlines stipulated by the UN Environment Project Manager. • Attend and collaborate with the coordination process for the strengthening of civil society and private sector initiatives. • Actively participate in the H2LAC community of practice by generating the content in coordination with the other national consultants and the regional coordinators. • Encourage the participation and exchange of experiences and knowledge of government authorities, civil society and the private sector, promoting leadership on issues in which they have progress.

Más información: United Nation Careers

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