Green hydrogen in Latin America and the Caribbean: national strategies and road maps
We invite you this next Thursday, October 5 to the first version of the webinar series organized by the H2LAC platform together with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), «Green Hydrogen: National Strategies and Roadmaps in Latin America and the Caribbean». In this series of virtual events, we will address the documents presented to date by the governments of the region, for the development of the energy vector industry. In each one of these webinars we will have representatives from each country, who will explain and analyze the strategic plans published by their respective governments.
In this first instance, Carolina Flores -who is part of the Energy Directorate at the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) – will present the National Green Hydrogen Strategy of Costa Rica. Carolina is currently in charge of coordinating projects on electric mobility and energy efficiency, and supports the creation of inter-institutional spaces for the operation of public policies on energy efficiency and renewable energy.
In addition, Janina Franco from the World Bank, will conduct an introductory session, where she will address the definition of a national hydrogen strategy, its importance and it’s differences with a roadmap.
The event will be moderated by Esteban Echeverría, coordinator of the Hydrogen Alliance in Costa Rica, who has more than a decade of experience in hydrogen technologies as a project engineer, business developer, and consultant for several multinational companies and organizations.
This series of webinars seeks to make visible and educate about the political-strategic initiatives whose objectives are to promote and guide the transition to the use and production of green hydrogen and it’s derivatives. To this end, a review of national strategies and roadmaps presented to date in the Latin America and the Caribbean region will be made, including countries outside the region that are benchmarks in this new industry.